Christian House and Church Swap
I think it’s fair to say that as Christians we have an inbuilt, ongoing interest in a dynamic God. This manifests itself in a number of ways. One of these is the fact that we enjoy the company of other Christians. We like to share faith experiences. We are interested in Christians as individuals, families and churches.
Church swapping enables you to participate as much or as little as you wish, in the life of your host church. As well as Sunday services you will be made welcome to a range of midweek activities. These will vary according to the size of the church congregation. This kind of pro-active church swapping gives us the opportunity to share and exchange ideas and greetings throughout the UK and beyond.
When we receive your completed registration forms we contact your church leader. We do this for two main reasons:-
1) To check that they know about CHACS
2) To ask them to verify their knowledge of you as a member/attendee of their church. (This for everyone’s peace of mind).
As well as exchanging homes with other Christians for a holiday, perhaps you would consider your house being used when you are away other than house-swapping. It would provide a great holiday for missionaries home on furlough, or other Christian workers who don’t have a home of their own to swap. We shall ask you about this on the registration forms.