Christian House and Church Swap

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Registration Details

Thank you for your interest in house-swapping with other Christians in the UK and abroad. This is the 23rd year of CHACS house-swap holidays, and we consistently receive great feed-back from members about their experiences.

The information you give us will be used to write a profile for the web-brochure. We'll email a draft copy for you to check and we'll then ask you to email some photos of your home and garden. No names or contact details are visible in the web-brochure; profiles are identified by reference number only.

We contact the church leader of all new members to ask them to verify their knowledge of people, thus adding extra peace of mind for all. Access to the secure Members' Area on the website is then available.

There is no charge for registration. The admin fee of £60 applies only when/if you house-swap, or house-sit. (There is no charge if you offer your home to house-sitters).

To register for a house swap, please click here to fill in your details